Filthy Fifty Fundraiser and Competition
Date: TODAY!!!
Time: Doors Open 8:00am, Competition begins promptly 9:00am
Benefitting: "No Longer" and changing lives of orphans in the Dominican Republic www.no-longer.com
Divisions: Rx/Scaled/Masters (40+)
Registration: Click here to register
More Information: Click here to learn more
CrossFit BINGO - Begins June 3rd!!
Each year, we roll into summer with a month-long Bingo game. On June 3rd, we will roll the Bingo wheel to determine the WOD and the Bingo game will begin. Here's how it works :)
- THE HOPPER: Each ball in the hopper corresponds to a workout. When a ball is rolled out, it tells us the workout for the next day.
- ROLLING: Whoever wins the workout gets the honor of rolling the Bingo wheel to choose the next day's WOD.
- RE-ROLLING: Winner has the option of re-rolling. If they do not like the 1st workout that comes out of the hopper, they can roll again. Whatever is rolled that time is the WOD. No take backs. (So here is an example.... Puma wins the WOD. He rolls I21-Murph, doesn't want that b/c we just did it, re-rolls and gets B7-Fran. The next day's WOD is Fran.)
- HOW TO WIN: Earn letters by doing the workouts. Do the daily WOD to earn the letter that corresponds to it. When you have all the letters, B-I-N-G-O, you win a Carport CrossFit t-shirt!!
Brooke did and awesome job at Filthy Fifty representing herself and the Carport. Way to go BTB- you made us proud!!!
There was a 25 minute time cap. Every rep completed after the time cap added a second to your time. Brooke finished in 21:27- half the movements Rx and half scaled because of those dastardly knees to elbows. They sure enough wanted your knees to touch your elbows- TOUGH! Brooke was awesome and did 12 knees to elbows and the rest scaled. I tried them before the competition and I couldn't even do one! She had a great pace and didnt stop. It was so much fun to watch and she showed what Carport is about:)
great job brooke! it is SO hard to just get out there and compete! you should be sooooooooooo proud of yourself!!!! i'm SO sorry that i couldn't go!
Thanks, y'all! I will certainly say it was super duper tough being no repped on the knees to elbows about over and over. Yikes. No fun! Knew then it was time to bite the bullet and scale em down.
Thanks so very much to my awesome friend and training buddy, Cynthia, for helping me pace and for encouraging me EVERY step of the way. Now THAT, my friends, is what Carport is all about! :)
Great job Brooke!
You are a rockstar BTB!! So proud of you!
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