For time:
40 Back squats (105 / 75 lbs)
30 Pull-ups
20 Shoulder-to-overhead (105 / 75 lbs)
40 Front squats (75 / 55 lbs)
30 Pull-ups
20 Shoulder-to-overhead (75 / 55 lbs)
40 Overhead squats (45 / 35 lbs)
30 Pull-ups
20 Shoulder-to-overhead (45 / 35 lbs)
The athlete begins standing behind the barbell. At the call of "3-2-1 … Go!" he or she may reach down, place the barbell on his or her back and begin the set of back squats. After the 40th back squat, the athlete moves to the pull-up bar and completes 30 pull-ups. Then, the athlete returns to his or her barbell and completes 20 shoulder-to-overheads. After the 20th repetition, the athlete lowers the bar to the ground, removes the 15-pound bumpers (10-pound bumpers for women), and begins front squatting.
After the 40th front squat is complete, the athlete moves to the pull-up bar and completes 30 pull-ups. The athlete then returns to the barbell and completes 20 shoulder-to-overheads. After the 20th repetition, they lower the bar to the ground, remove the 15-pound bumpers (10-pound bumpers for women), and begin overhead squatting.
After all 40 overhead squats are completed, the athlete moves to the pull-up bar and completes 30 pull-ups. The athlete then returns to the barbell and completes 20 shoulder-to-overheads. After the 30th repetition, the workout is complete.
Time cap: 20 minutes
The athlete's score is his or her total time for completing the workout. If they do not finish the entire workout within the 20-minute time cap, the score is 20:00, plus a one second penalty for each rep not completed.
Movement Standards
Back squat:
In the back squat, the barbell must be held behind the neck on the athlete's shoulders or back. At the bottom, the crease of the hips must pass below the height of the kneecap. At the top, the knees and hips must be completely open with the barbell in control.
Front squat:
In the front squat, the barbell must be held in the front rack position. At the bottom, the crease of the hips must pass below the height of the kneecap. At the top, the knees and hips must be completely open with the barbell in control. A full squat clean will count as a repetition as long as all the above requirements are met.
Overhead squat:
In the overhead squat, the barbell must be kept overhead with the arms locked. At the bottom, the crease of the hips must pass below the height of the kneecap. At the top, the knees and hips must be completely open with the barbell in control and over the heels. A full squat snatch will count as a repetition as long as all the above requirements are met.
This is a standard pull-up. Dead-hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are all allowed, as long as all the requirements are met. At the bottom, the arms must be fully extended. At the top, the chin must break the horizontal plane of the bar.
Each repetition begins with the barbell on the shoulders and finishes with the weight fully locked out overhead. A shoulder press, push press, push jerk or split jerk may be used, as long as the elbow, shoulder, hips and knees fully extend, and the bar finishes directly over the heels with the feet together. If a split jerk is used, the feet must be brought back together with the hips, knees and elbows fully extended before the repetition is completed.
Click here for a WOD DEMO.
Men - 105/75/45
load your 45# bar with two 15# plates on either side.
Women - 75/55/35
load your 15# bar with three 10# plates.
Now THAT'S a WOD!!!
bill and sandy:
dave was incorrect...we are not open on thursday morning. we will be posting at-home wods for everyone. sorry for the inconvenience.
No worries. We've got you covered on the Thursday WOD.
Thanks for sending Dave this morning. We love Dave but when it comes to his By Ins and Cash Outs he reminds us of how thankful we are for you Cori! If you were to put today's by in and cash out together most cross fit places would have said...that's it for today boys and girls see you tomorrow. On the up side - we'll be fitter for it! Thanks Dave. You are a great encourager!
22 minutes including penalties - 95 on first set, got thru 2nd set with the RX of 75 but forgot about the 2nd set of pull ups - but the penalty caught that.
Dave J - Tell your co-worker that thinks they are too old for cross fit to come to the Carport and meet Sandy and me. They will then fully grasp what happens when you don't do anything until you hit 56 - it'll scare them so bad they'll sign up on the spot.
Thanks Bill! You guys did awesome this morning. That's a tough WOD. I have been trying to game it my head as to try and at least get to the OHS. I'm skeered no doubt!
"Strength training can lessen the impact of dementia for some aging women. Yet another reason to convince your mom to CrossFit."
The WOD's we post for Thursday, Friday, and Monday will be from the Travel WOD's in the WODbook (p127-128).
We are open to suggestions! So if you already have a WODbook, let us know what WOD you want to do!
That was a tough one. Got through 10 pullups in the last set, rx. Good luck to Amber and Cori at regionals!
1-arm DB snatches:
50-60-62.5-62.5-65-65-70m-70m-70m(SO CLOSE!!!!!)-70m-60-60
HSPU: 3 sets of 10
50 back squats, 95#
40 pullups (4x10)
50 front squats, 65#
40 pullups (10 butterfly/10/5/5/5/5)
18:35, mod 55,35,15 lbs, ring rows.
Got to 22 OHS at the 20:00 min cutoff. Tough workout.
Then, did Monday's WOD: 8:55 min
I am so very proud to be a Carporter and we wish Amber and Cori much success and countless PRs at Regionals. Girls Power! - Cynthia
Go Amber and Cori! Rock Stars!!!!
made it through the 2nd rd w/ MOD weight (55#, 35#). That was a beast of a workout!!
Meanest workout. Did Rx weight and made it to 3rd rd with 5 OHS.
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