Four rounds for time of:
16 One-arm dumbbell snatches (50 / 35 lbs)
At the call of "3-2-1 … Go!" the athlete may reach down and begin his or her 16 one-arm dumbbell snatches, alternating arms each repetition. After 16 complete repetitions, he or she places the dumbbell down with control, then sprints to At Work Uniforms and back to the dumbbell. If at the completion of the 16th snatch, the athlete drops the weight or does not place it down with control, they will be assessed a 1 burpee penalty before completing the sprint. The athlete then begins a second round of one-arm dumbbell snatches, alternating arms each repetition. After 16 repetitions, he or she sprints to At Work Uniforms and back to the dumbbell. The athlete does two more rounds following the same pattern. Each time the athlete completes 16 snatches, including touching the ground on the final snatch with control before beginning the sprint.
When the athlete touches the dumbbell after finishing the fourth sprint, the workout is complete.
Time cap: 10 minutes
The athlete's score is his or her total time. If an athlete does not finish the entire workout in the 10-minute time cap, his or her score is 10:00, plus a one second penalty for each repetition not completed (each sprint counts as two repetitions). If an athlete cannot complete one full round of 10 snatches and the sprint, then the athlete does not advance to the next workout.
Movement Standards
One-arm dumbbell snatch:
Athletes must alternate arms each repetition. If at any point they cannot complete a repetition with an arm, they cannot proceed to the next repetition until they have completed a repetition with that arm.
Both heads of the dumbbell must touch the ground at the beginning and end of each repetition, and be under control the entire time. One complete repetition starts on the ground, is snatched to full lockout overhead, then brought back to the ground under control.
The dumbbell must be moved from the ground to full lockout overhead in one continuous motion without stopping at the shoulders. Deadlift to hang snatch or deadlift to swing, clean and jerk, or any other combination of movements is not permitted. The dumbbell must continue to move upward once it leaves the ground. Pressing out at the top is permitted, as long as the dumbbell never descends within the repetition. The other hand may not be used to assist the lift.
The top position is fully locked out overhead with the working arm, plus full extension of the hips and knees with the weight clearly under control. The feet must be brought back together if the lifter "wanders" or uses a split style.
A press out is acceptable. Also acceptable are split, power, squat or muscle snatches, as long as the requirements for the finish position, mentioned above, are met.
Once the top position is successfully established, the dumbbell must be brought back to the ground under control while maintaining a full grip with at least one hand. The athlete may use either or both hands to lower the weight under control. Dropped repetitions do not count. Losing control of the dumbbell at any point invalidates the repetition.
At the turn around point, athletes must touch the block wall with both hands before returning. If they touch with only one hand, they will be required to return to the wall to touch with both hands before beginning the next round. Each sprint is complete once the athlete touches their dumbbell.
Click here for a WOD DEMO.
that's a good lookin' pistol squat!
great job morning peeps!
6:35 45#
Despite intense negotiating, Cori stood strong on her Cash Out......rats!
Cori's been on her game since you got her during the Carport Tri. I think you're going to have to be more stealthy in the future (which could be difficult at 5:30 AM).
6:10 20#
love this!
I'm gonna get off my "buttness" and do some snatches tonight!
Looks like a good WOD for a Monday.
I read this quote this morning and realized I needed to change my thinking about this snatch WOD.
• "Whether you think you can or you can't, you're probably right."
1-arm DB Snatches
70# - left arm! Woohoo!! PR!
7:11 Rx. I love that rare occasion when I can do a WOD Rx.
my night was not so good in the db snatch department. :( i had no PR's. could barely get 60# with my left arm. had a ton of misses. pitched a couple of fits. and ended with 4 rounds of 10x50# db snatches with sprint.
great job to amber! i'm stoked for you, sista! i need some of your positive thinking mojo!
8:44. Rx. I know, I know, it's my mobility coach.
5.06, 25#
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