Use as many sets each minute as needed.
Post number of minutes completed to comments.

"Do you have a stiff neck from those long hours of bingo? What you need to release that tension is one of our massage rollers. Choose from several different designs and colors to find the match for you. Watch that stress roll right away."
Big Dawgs - Rx, women 95
Pack - 95, women 65
Pups - 65, women 45
Buttercups - 45, women 25
love the rollers from the stress of playing bingo! :)
95# - 6 rds + 6 reps
rx 6 rds + 5 c&j's
also, ed, go here for race results:
click on "coed" team and you'll be able to see your score!
had massage therapy on my shoulder this morning so I will not be doing CF tonight. see y'all tomorrow night
Thanks, Cori!
Anybody who gets double digits today is a champ!
also, anyone that might think this isn't a good enough workout, have no fear! i made a really great buy-in and cashout for you! :)
10r+6 (95#)
10+7 rx when i stopped touch an go it was over
7+2 burpees
11 rds Z
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